Spring Sports Report

Posted: 30th March 2023

We have had another great term of sport here at Brabyns. Our footballers and netballers have been training really hard and have enjoyed playing several friendly matches against other schools. Our netballers will be showing their skills the first week back at the Northern ISA championships for U9s and U11s; good luck, Team Brabyns!

Looking back on the term our greatest achievements have got to be the cross country runners and our gymnasts. Our cross country runners have dedicated so much time to compete on a Saturday morning with the final competition being in Southport. It was a wonderful competition on hills and through mud. The children thoroughly enjoyed it, running their little hearts out. I am incredibly proud of every one of them.

Our gymnastics teams made us proud again. They spent many weeks learning a sequence, which they performed incredibly well. We had one team in 2nd place and another in 3rd place: I truly praise their commitment, dedication and effort on the day.

I would like to say a huge well done and thank you, to all the children who took part in school sports clubs and competitions, you have done us proud and I know will continue to do so.

Mrs Oatley

Categories: Sport
Brabyns Nursery & Prep School Discovery Morning

We would like to welcome prospective School and Nursery parents to our forthcoming Discovery Morning on Saturday 1 March 2025.
Book your place and experience first hand the unique atmosphere and sense of community at Brabyns Prep School and Nursery.