This term we have enjoyed a mixture of learning how to draw, shade and colour in the style of some famous artists. We looked at Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ and how he painted lots of separate brush strokes and Georges Seurat’s ‘A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte’. Seurat became famous for his Pointillism works.
The children gained a lot of pleasure from trying to make their own pictures using different art forms.
The second half term gives the children a lot of opportunity to improve their crafting skills via producing Mother’s Day and Easter cards as well as a surprise Mother’s Day gift! The children love to be able to create their own token gestures to give to their families as they are always very proud of their priceless works of art. A lot of time is spent by the children doing their work to the highest of standards. Developing their cutting, sticking and folding skills is a massive part of their learning this term.